Forking to Organizations

We made a slight change to the way you fork a repository. By default, you can fork my repository through an HTTP POST to the repository’s fork resource.

$ curl -X POST

This repository forks to your personal account. However, there are cases when you want to fork to one of your organizations instead. The previous method required a ?org query parameter:

$ curl -X POST /repos/technoweenie/faraday/forks?org=mycompany

Query parameters on POST requests are unusual in APIs, and definitely inconsistent with the rest of the GitHub API. You should be able to post a JSON body like every other POST endpoint. Now, you can! Only, now we’re calling the field organization.

$ curl /repos/technoweenie/faraday/forks?org=mycompany \
  -d '{"organization": "mycompany"}'

Don’t worry, we are committed to maintaining the legacy behavior until the next major change of the GitHub API.