Improved pagination for the Repository Commits API

The Repository Commits API now supports an additional approach for paginating commit lists. As of today, this endpoint supports the “standard” page and per_page parameters for controlling pagination. This API now uses these parameters by default when constructing page links.

Improved results and increased consistency

This new approach improves the reliability of this endpoint, which on rare occasions skipped some commits during pagination. This enhancement also increases the overall consistency of the API, as all endpoints now paginate resource lists the same way.

Old parameters still supported

The old way of paginating, using top, last_sha, and per_page parameters, is still supported in API v3, but it will be removed in the next major version of the API. API clients that are manually constructing URLs for pages should be modified to use the new parameters. Even better, API clients shouldn’t construct URLs for pages manually, but should use page links provided by the Link header in API responses.

Since both the new and the old pagination parameters are still supported in API v3, API clients shouldn’t notice any changes today. Still, if you notice any problems with this endpoint, please let us know.