Changing organization feeds in the Feeds API

We have deprecated the current_user_organization_url attribute and the current_user_organization.href attribute in the Feeds API. If you make use of these attributes, you’ll want to update your code to use the new current_user_organization_urls attribute instead.

Changes to the deprecated attributes

Previously, the deprecated attributes returned URI template. For example:


The template included a deprecated authentication token. Our new tokens are valid only for a concrete feed URL (not for a URI template). Because the deprecated attributes were templates and did not specify a concrete URL, the API could not provide a token that could be used for organization feeds.

Starting today, the API returns empty values for the deprecated attributes.

New attribute for organization feeds

In order to preserve the functionality of this API, we have added a new attribute that lists specific Atom feed urls for each of the user’s organizations.

"current_user_organization_urls": [

Check out the updated Feeds API documentation for the new fields. If you have any questions or feedback, please get drop us a line.