Search Indexing

The Search Indexing API allows you to queue up a variety of search indexing tasks. It is only available to authenticated site administrators. Normal users will receive a 404 response if they try to access it.

Prefix all the endpoints for this API with the following URL:


Queue an indexing job

POST /staff/indexing_jobs


Name Type Description
target string Required. A string representing the item to index.

You can index the following targets (replace :owner with the name of a user or organization account and :repository with the name of a repository):

Target Description
:owner A user or organization account.
:owner/:repository A repository.
:owner/* All of a user or organization’s repositories.
:owner/:repository/issues All the issues in a repository.
:owner/*/issues All the issues in all of a user or organization’s repositories.
:owner/:repository/code All the source code in a repository.
:owner/*/code All the source code in all of a user or organization’s repositories.


Status: 202 Accepted
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4999
  "message": "Repository 'kansaichris/japaning' has been added to the indexing queue"


$ curl -u jwatson -X POST "http://hostname/api/v3/staff/indexing_jobs?target=jwatson%2Flaughing-robot"
  "message": "Repository \"jwatson/laughing-robot\" has been added to the indexing queue"