
This endpoint provides information about, the service. Or, if you access this endpoint on your organization’s GitHub Enterprise installation, this endpoint provides information about that installation.

GET /meta


Status: 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4999
  "hooks": [
  "git": [
  "verifiable_password_authentication": true,
  "github_services_sha": "3a0f86fb8db8eea7ccbb9a95f325ddbedfb25e15"


Name Type Description
hooks array of strings An Array of IP addresses in CIDR format specifying the addresses that incoming service hooks will originate from on Subscribe to the API Changes blog or follow @GitHubAPI on Twitter to get updated when this list changes.
git array of strings An Array of IP addresses in CIDR format specifying the Git servers for
verifiable_password_authentication boolean Whether authentication with username and password is supported. (GitHub Enterprise instances using CAS or OAuth for authentication will return false. Features like Basic Authentication with a username and password, sudo mode, and two-factor authentication are not supported on these servers.)
github_services_sha string The currently-deployed SHA of github-services.