Rate Limit

The overview documentation describes the rate limit rules. You can check your current rate limit status at any time using the Rate Limit API described below.

Get your current rate limit status

Note: Accessing this endpoint does not count against your rate limit.

GET /rate_limit


Status: 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4999
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1372700873
  "resources": {
    "core": {
      "limit": 5000,
      "remaining": 4999,
      "reset": 1372700873
    "search": {
      "limit": 20,
      "remaining": 18,
      "reset": 1372697452
  "rate": {
    "limit": 5000,
    "remaining": 4999,
    "reset": 1372700873

Understanding Your Rate Limit Status

The Search API has a custom rate limit, separate from the rate limit governing the rest of the API. For that reason, the response (shown above) categorizes your rate limit by resource. Within the "resources" object, the "search" object provides your rate limit status for the Search API. The "core" object provides your rate limit status for all the rest of the API.

Deprecation Notice

The "rate" object (shown at the bottom of the response above) is deprecated and is scheduled for removal in the next version of the API.

If you’re writing new API client code (or updating your existing code), you should use the "core" object instead of the "rate" object. The "core" object contains the same information that is present in the "rate" object.