
There are two stable versions of the GitHub API: the v3 version and the deprecated beta version. There are just a few differences between these two versions.

By default, all requests receive the v3 version. We encourage you to request a specific version via the Accept header.


The v3 API is stable and unchangeable. Please file a support issue if you have problems.

Some v3 functionality is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of the API.

Differences from beta version

The v3 media type differs from the beta media type in just a few places:


For Gists, the v3 media type renames the user attribute to owner.

Issue JSON

When an issue is not a pull request, the v3 media type omits the pull_request attribute.

Repository JSON

For Repositories, the v3 media type omits the master_branch attribute. API clients should use the default_branch attribute to obtain the repository’s default branch.

User Emails JSON

For User Emails, the v3 media type returns an array of objects (instead of an array of strings).

v3 deprecations

The following functionality is deprecated. For backwards compatibility purposes, v3 will continue to provide this functionality. However, this deprecated functionality will be removed in the next major version of the API.

The recommendations below will help you prepare your application for the next major version of the API.

  1. Method: /gists/:id/fork
    Recommendation: Use /gists/:id/forks (plural) instead.
  2. Method: /legacy/issues/search/:owner/:repository/:state/:keyword
    Recommendation: Use v3 Issue Search API instead.
  3. Method: /legacy/repos/search/:keyword
    Recommendation: Use v3 Repository Search API instead.
  4. Method: /legacy/user/search/:keyword
    Recommendation: Use v3 User Search API instead.
  5. Method: /legacy/user/email/:email
    Recommendation: Use v3 User Search API instead.
  6. Method: /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id/test
    Recommendation: Use /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id/tests (plural) instead.
  7. Method: /teams/:id/members/:username
    Recommendation: Use Get Team Membership, Add Team Membership, and Remove Team Membership instead.
  8. Query parameters when POSTing to /repos/:owner/:repo/forks
    Recommendation: Use JSON to POST to this method instead.
  9. Query parameter value: Passing “watchers” as the value for the “sort” parameter in a GET request to /repos/:owner/:repo/forks
    Recommendation: Use stargazers as the value instead.
  10. Pull Request attribute: merge_commit_sha
    Recommendation: Do not use this attribute.
  11. Rate Limit attribute: rate
    Recommendation: Use resources[“core”] instead.
  12. Repository attribute: forks
    Recommendation: Use forks_count instead.
  13. Repository attribute: master_branch
    Recommendation: Use default_branch instead.
  14. Repository attribute: open_issues
    Recommendation: Use open_issues_count instead.
  15. Repository attribute: public
    Recommendation: When creating a repository, use the private attribute to indicate whether the repository should be public or private. Do not use the public attribute.
  16. Repository attribute: watchers
    Recommendation: Use watchers_count instead.
  17. User attribute: bio
    Recommendation: Do not use this attribute. It is obsolete.
  18. User attribute: plan[“collaborators”]
    Recommendation: Do not use this attribute. It is obsolete.
  19. User attribute: gravatar_id
    Recommendation: Use avatar_url instead.
  20. Feed attribute: current_user_organization_url
    Recommendation: Use current_user_organization_urls instead.
  21. Feed attribute: current_user_organization
    Recommendation: Use current_user_organizations instead.
  22. Pagination parameters top and sha for method: /repos/:owner/:repo/commits
    Recommendation: When fetching the list of commits for a repository use the standard per_page and page parameters for pagination, instead of per_page, top, and sha.
  23. Authorization attribute: token
    Recommendation: This attribute will return an empty string in the majority of the Authorizations API responses. Please see the deprecation blog post and the Authorizations API deprecation notice for full details.

beta (Deprecated)

The beta API is deprecated. Its current functionality is stable and unchangeable. Please file a support issue if you have problems.

Note: We recommend using the v3 API instead of the deprecated beta version of the API.

The beta media type differs from the v3 media type in just a few places. In most cases, migrating an application from the beta media type to the v3 media type is smooth and painless.

We will eventually retire the beta version, but we have no official retirement date to announce at the moment. When the time comes, rest assured that we'll announce the retirement with plenty of notice.

Breaking beta changes

June 15th, 2011:

June 1st, 2011:


We removed support for API v2 on June 12, 2012.


We removed support for API v1 on June 12, 2012.