Create an OAuth authorization for an app

The Authorizations API is an easy way to create an OAuth authorization using Basic Auth. Just POST your desired scopes and optional note and you get a token back:

    curl -u pengwynn -d '{"scopes": ["user", "gist"]}' \

This call creates a token for the authenticating user tied to a special “API” OAuth application.

We now support creating tokens for your own OAuth application by passing your twenty character client_id and forty character client_secret as found in the settings page for your OAuth application.

    curl -u pengwynn -d '{ \
                          "scopes": ["user", "gist"], \
                          "client_id": "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde" \
                          "client_secret": "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde" \
                         }' \ '

No more implementing the web flow just to get a token tied to your app’s rate limit.